Historical or nostalgic Jasper County, Mo., area photos

including now extinct Lakeside Park. (Vertical images.)

Thank you to Jeanne Woodworth Newby for her sage assistance.

Below: Historical or nostalgic Jasper County, Mo. area photos. (Horizontal images.)

Right: Ralls County, Mo.,photos:

Hannibal, a Mark Twain Riverboat tour of local landscapes, and historical Saint Paul's and Saint Peter's/ Brush Creek Cemeteries. Both have graves of prominent citizens of the 1800s, including Revolutionary War soldier Arnold Hardy, whose resting place still is honored as a hero's grave. (Sorry, some scenic photos are a bit blurry; those riverboats rock along pretty fast!) I took all of these; you are welcom to use if not-for profit, if you credit FindFamilyTrees.com.

Historical homes built in circa 1900 and memorable homes built closer to the mid-20th century in Webb City, Jasper County, Mo.

Historical and nostalgic photographs are posted here for fun or to be shared.  I have been collecting the old ones for decades and have photographed those and newer neighboring scenes and buildings in the past several decades. Many earlier photos and postcards now are in the public domain. Many color photos from the last 30 years are by me and you are welcome to use mine for not-for-profit ventures – such as for your family tree, social media, or personal or community websites. Please credit  FindFamilyTrees.com. Other photos were posted for the public on Facebook, PinInterest, public websites, etc. I take no responsibility, however, if you use copyrighted photos without permission from other sources.

It is simple for Mac or PC users to  grab or capture a photo on these slideshows; Google it for instructions.
Historical Photographs of Small Towns Mo.

These shared data pages are

free, extra historical info

​offered to all – not related to

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